What is education? | surf xtra tech 2019

What is Education in English or what is education? If you want to understand the definition of education in detail in terms of meaning and purpose, then this article is a great opportunity for you! If you are preparing to give a speech on education or want to write articles on education, please read up to the end!

What is the definition of education

What education is called and what is the definition of education? The answer to this question is not as easy as we understand!

Meaning of education

Seeing the word education, it shows that education is a Sanskrit word which means learning or teaching or learning, whereas education in the English language is called education!

Education is the true meaning of learning whether you learn from your parents or you can be a society or school and college! It is not that people are educated only by reading books! We can earn an education from one of our little ones and adults too!

A human being is a social creature that strives to educate its children the most! Any person who has any kind of education or learning is called literate in society!

When a person completes his education with his efforts and if he becomes a skill and valuable by staying in the society then that person can be truly educated!

Definition of education

"Education is a process in which man acquires knowledge which makes him valuable in society"

"The process of intellectually preparing a human being that makes life nature, it is called education to develop the powers of decision-making."

"The knowledge gained from the school or university or the parents who provide skills in that person is called education"

Objectives of education

What the purpose of education should be, the individual can be different and different according to the circumstances and place! On acquiring education, the main objective of most people is to become a good person! But today education is more focused on professionalism anywhere!

Making money is not education! Antisocial beings also arrange food for their living, but they can not be decent in society! An educated person helps the society in many ways and makes it easy!

Development of personal power is not the only purpose of education because man is a social creature. Personality should be developed according to the society in which we must give social values and principles place in our education!

Education is not only about taking a degree, but also about being educated! Education makes the character of the person sacred and beautiful! Education makes us flexible, dynamic and adaptable according to nature, from which man can change himself in different circumstances!

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